Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Deniabetes : The common but completely irrational reaction to being told you have Type II diabetes - complete and total denial.

I don't have diabetes. I don't have diabetes. I don't have diabetes.

I have told myself that a lot these last few years. Watching several family members lose limbs due to complete negligence and denial of their true level of health, I knew that if my numbers ever told me there was a problem, I was going to do something about it.

A few months ago, I had bloodwork done for life insurance. My numbers all came back very healthy and strong… all but one. My fasting glucose was out of range: 101. Healthy is under 100. This normally wouldn't raise many eyebrows, but it was after a nearly 14-hour fast. It should have been lower.

When I visited my doctor for an exam a few months later, she ordered a new fasting glucose… you know, just in case. This one was worse - 12 hour fasting, 107. Eek. These numbers certainly aren't the alarming numbers many people see when they're being told they're diabetic, but they do technically qualify me as pre-diabetic, otherwise known as Stage 1 diabetic. (See the American Diabetes Association info page here.)

So, this is where it begins. I am only dipping my toe in the water at this point, but by knowing the direction I'm headed so early in the game, I have a chance to stop and change directions. I'm determined to do just that. And I'm taking this blog with me.

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